For english readers

The federation UniAgros has been created by the Engineers graduated in Agronomy from associations of graduates of height schools and establishments from Higher Education in Agronomy and Food Industries:


UniAgro gathers now in one network more than 50 000 Engineers in Agronomy active in the Life Science and Technologies: engineers in agronomy, food technology, horticulture and landscape, all with the title of Master of Sciences in Life Sciences, Agriculture, Food Technology and Environmental Management, and all the Alumni of the other schools. 

The object of this Federation, created in 2006, is to propose common services and tools by the mutualisation of the resources of the associations of graduates of each school. Its main areas of action are:

  • Employment and follow up of careers: the Employment Service operates on the different stages of a career: orientation of students, first job, management of mobility and careers, coaching. Through its site “” this service creates a real link between the Employers and the graduated Engineers: announcement of the jobs offered, mini CV, partnership.
  • Access to an international network of life science engineers: the annual book of the Federation UniAgro (paper or online versions) is the way of accessing a network of more than 5.500 members: Agronomists and Life Science Engineers. It is permanently updated and allows the identification the members according to their professional activities or associative occupation, their personal contacts or their competences.
  • A network of regional groups (20 currently active), some groups ??abroad and some professional groups with diverse themes reflecting the diversity of our Alumni.
  • “Planète Agro” is the quarterly publication of the Life Science Engineers. It contains information on the agronomists , reflexions and articles on career management, and a professional dossier with a much more technical content. 
  • Interactive communication tools on the Web: via the UniAgro site, a real gateway for the Life Science Engineers, the graduates can get in touch, communicate and exchange with other Agronomists whatever is their common point: graduates from a same year, from a same school, members of a regional or professional group, of a club and this in the entire world. A lifelong Email address allows for a permanent contact.
  • Organisation of events: Conferences, meetings, seminars are organised for our Engineers and their professional contacts.